Comic/novel recommendations?

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 10 years ago

For some reason I've been getting into the EU lately and I'm just wondering what YOU guys think are some of the better comics and novels, so I can dig into those.

I think it's a good way for me to "study" the things I'm writing about. I mean, I'm not looking to rip anyone off or copy what's been done before - I just want to go through these things on the off chance that I might see something worth reading, like this: who else knew that "Yautja" was pronounced "yah-OOT-chya" ? I've kinda just been saying "yayayaya" in my head all these years...

I already read through Labyrinth, Nightmare Asylum, the Yautja Encylopedia, and I've read a bunch of stuff in the TV Tropes pages. Right now I'm going through the Aliens Omnibus volume 2, and I might rewatch some behind-the-scenes stuff.

Edit: Most importantly, which comics have the best artwork? I think Nightmare Asylum is best so far in general, and the Xenos in Labyrinth are the best, but the ones I'm seeing in Aliens: Genocide aren't that awesome to me. They're well drawn, but they don't really "wow" me.