DeathWraith, Yautja, 14 years ago

I do not find that funny. In fact i would go as far as to say that HE IS THE CANCER.

cleticyautja, Yautja, 14 years ago

the guy has serious problems if he wants to hump these objects.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 14 years ago

I assume he actually does, because there's no way it's a sketch for a comdey show or anything.

Mebber, Yautja, 14 years ago

Maybe he just likes to produce mindless nonsense. So he's not very different compared to us... Well, he's austrian, so there is no need for futher discussions about his potential brainsickness.

DW, i hope you don't put EVERY purple thing in your mouth!? Well was a bad advise anyway. I've done it, because i thrusted your professional counsel, and now there is growing a sixth toe at my right foot.

But... could be useful for the case i'll meet Frank Hoorigan someday...

Dragous, Yautja, 14 years ago

what a let down... I there was going to be something worth chating about or I might fool around on one of my PS3 games for a bit more...

Dragous, Yautja, 14 years ago

what a let down... I there was going to be something worth chating about or I might fool around on one of my PS3 games for a bit more...

Mebber, Yautja, 14 years ago

Oh no, he's back! Call the ratter!

Deathdrop, Yautja, 14 years ago

Ok, I'll say something worth chatting about:

im goin to play PS3 becus PS3 is great and i challenge you guys to a game bla bla bla...

Boy, this is interesting, isn't it? I'm feeling enlightened. Let's talk about video game some more.

(BTW, I'm curious: Is a "ratter" the same thing as an exterminator?)

DeathWraith, Yautja, 14 years ago

>DW, i hope you don't put EVERY purple thing in your mouth!? Well was a bad advise anyway. I've done it, because i thrusted your professional counsel, and now there is growing a sixth toe at my right foot.
>Well was a bad advise anyway. I've done it, because i thrusted your professional counsel
>I've done it, because i thrusted your professional counsel
>i thrusted your professional counsel
>i thrusted

Did you now?


Mebber, Yautja, 14 years ago

OH NO! I mixed thrust and trust! I will suffer in hell forever.
But what's the meaning of your avatar pic anyway? Looks like a squashed, laughing potato somehow...

As far as i remember my english class, yes

Deathdrop, Yautja, 14 years ago

I think Ratter sounds better. Good for you guys for having such an awesome word. Our version sucks.

But anyway, has anyone ever eaten with a spork? They seem... dirty, somehow.

Shadowwall, Yautja, 14 years ago

forgive me my english :D
what's a spork ??? :p

Has it something to do with the ratter ?? :D

guess i'm all muscle and no brain

DeathWraith, Yautja, 14 years ago

Is it my browser or has P added some infolinks shit around here?

Mebber, Yautja, 14 years ago

Nope, it isn't your browser.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 14 years ago

Well now they're gone...

cleticyautja, Yautja, 14 years ago

ok i didnt find anything funny about that.

Deathdrop, Yautja, 14 years ago

Then you're obviously a communist.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 14 years ago

Forgive me for still believing that an old guy who immitates a meme is a complete faggot and shoulr be stoned to death. With stones, not drugs.

Mebber, Yautja, 14 years ago

What's the main point of your displeasement? Should everyone who immitates a meme be stoned to death or only the old ones?

I guess this is his attempt to seem experienced in this whole webstuff, just promotion, i bet this lil' video pushed his popularity much more than his award.

But he acts real amazing, this movie is a true masterpiece of acting and silliness.