Happy St.Patricks Day all.

delta-boy, Human, 15 years ago

What it says in the title mostly. Just a fun filled day with friends/relatives & of course drink. Being a native of Ireland me self. A hello to all Yankie-Doodles and British Limey's out there :D.

killswitch, Human, 15 years ago

lol Being Irish i always find it funny that the Americans give a shit about this more than we do. I mean you actually dye the Chicago river green for f**k sake lol

St Patrick was Welsh, there are no and never were any snakes in Ireland and St Patrick's day is the most ridicules celebration known to man,

delta-boy, Human, 15 years ago

2009-03-17 12:06:59
lol Being Irish i always find it...

OMFG I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE. Though it says UK on your profile?

EDIT: St.Patrick brang the Christian religion to Ireland and converted 99% of the population. It's even a Holy-Feast Day to the Catholic Church. If that's not important than I don't see what is...

Deathdrop, Human, 15 years ago

St. Patrick's day is an excuse to get wasted. We might SAY it's to celebrate the actual historical event, but that's bullshit.

What can I say? We have no real culture, so we opt to make it up as we go.

PREDATORv2, Human, 15 years ago

No we have culture, every country has it's bullshit holiday and this is one of ours.

delta-boy, Human, 15 years ago

Your's YOURS! It's our bloody excuse. Not fucking Yankie-Doodle American tennagers thinking leprauchans are real. You have thanksgiving etc... Fucking loads more, and that one day that the film was based on.

shadowatching, Human, 15 years ago

For az, we have two shit days. One of them being today the other is the Mexican holiday so meh...gods I need to remember it. So meh, I am going to work tonight all the way through monday

x_saysell, Human, 15 years ago

Happy saint Paddy's day guys and gals, it's usaly at this time of year I miss being in Ireland. But Drink up and enjoy yourselves. Especialy if you are Irish like myself and the other minority of Irish men on the site.

Deathdrop, Human, 15 years ago

"YOURS! It's our bloody excuse. Not fucking Yankie-Doodle American tennagers thinking leprauchans are real. You have thanksgiving etc..."

Eeaaaaaaasy now... I think there's been a misunderstanding here. When we say "St. Patrick's Day" we mean the bastardised American version of it, which, much like the American versions of every other holiday, has ceased to mean anything.

It's an excuse to get drunk the same way Christmas is an excuse to shop, thanksgiving is an excuse to eat, etc.

I shouldn't say it's an excuse for everyone; there's plenty of people who do have genuine motivations for observing these holidays. But for the most part, our holidays are bullshit.

Case in point: Groundhog Day.

delta-boy, Human, 15 years ago

LOL that's it, Groundhog Day...
Sorry DeathDrop for being so quick.
Also. Reply to this topic if you where born & raised in Ireland.
*Raises hand and still lives there*.

concretehunter, Human, 15 years ago

ITS A GOOD DAY TO BE IRISH man i love today because im irish. they die the chicago river green? i hate america we dont want you americans takeing our celebrations. we dont realy want that i mean its just thair excuse to get drunk. they parade around and pretend to b irish while we get smashed in a pub and dancewhile singing. we love the homeland and america isnt home. bastards

killswitch, Human, 15 years ago

i always love the way people say 'we' as if the the sentiments of an entire race are represente

d by some kids fingertips on an aliens vs predator forum. I also love the way everybody wants to be irsih......... I personally love that the americans do a better job of celebrating it than we do. It brings attention to the occasion which is good i guess

Deathdrop, Human, 15 years ago

^ That's a great point. Saying "we" in regards to an entire country is a bit foolish. I've got to stop that.

I just want to respond quickly to concretehunter's comment:

"you Americans" means absolutely nothing. This is one of the least homogeneous (I hope I spelled that right) countries on the planet. There's a reason the US is called a "melting pot of cultures."

I know people who don't celebrate it at all. To be honest,I didn't even know it was today until I got home from work.

And furthermore, St. Patrick's Day was not "stolen". It was brought over here by Irish immigrants. That's what I mean when I say this country has no culture of it's own; Americans are mostly descended from immigrants, so they brought their own culture.

PREDATORv2, Human, 15 years ago

Yeah alright point taken next time we start a pointless topic about a useless holiday which we all agree on is an excuss to get drunk I'll be sure to type 'Americans' instead. The only reason St. Patricks day is relevant in American is because of all the Irish Immigrants. Or at least that what is was a while ago, now every moron thinks if they throw some green paint on their face and down a few Guinness beers they're Irish.

As for me I pay no attention to it, just another day like most holidays.

"Your's YOURS! It's our bloody excuse. Not fucking Yankie-Doodle American tennagers thinking leprauchans are real. You have thanksgiving etc... Fucking loads more, and that one day that the film was based on."

That nice dude, I don't care but thats real nice.

Deathdrop, Human, 15 years ago

I'm sorry I ever brought it up.

Y'see kids, all the different cultures and races of th' whole wide world have got ta' work together ta' make this the best gosh darn world anyone ever laid eyes on! That's why we've all gotta learn to be PALS!

That's why ya' can't go around hatin' each other like this! And whatever you do, don't ever try to do or say anything positive or constructive on the internet, because people will just start attacking each other based on the geographical laocation in which their parents happen to have fucked.

Nnow you know, and KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE!

PREDATORv2, Human, 15 years ago

Eeeeeeeeerrr, somebody pass me the hard liquor.

Deathdrop, Human, 15 years ago


(Sorry Delta. I really didn't mean to de-rail this topic so horribly.)

delta-boy, Human, 15 years ago

ConcreteHunter, there is no way you are Irish. Your prob like 12 or something. Also you profile says it all... As does your writing skillz.

DeathWraith, Human, 15 years ago

"ConcreteHunter, there is no way you are Irish. Your prob like 12 or something. Also you profile says it all... As does your writing skillz."

Yea, cos irish people are all like over 12 years old and spell better than you.

delta-boy, Human, 15 years ago

I c wat u did there.

concretehunter, Human, 15 years ago

OKEY i am irish. ok? and im dyslexic. ad wtf? how i write. i live in england but iam from irish decendace.