predator are used with alien long before avp game.

superxinyang, Yautja, 15 years ago

in predator 2 ,in the predator ship,you can see a xenomorph skull hanging .so i think the crew have planned to flim alien and predator together long ago

_Zwecky_, Yautja, 15 years ago

Yeah, there were also comics.

PREDATORv2, Yautja, 15 years ago

If you own the special edition DVD of predator2, and listen to the director's commentary, when that scenes comes up, he talks about there being a lot of discussion over it, but they ended up throwing it in there, they really had no ideas about an avp movie till later on, after the film came out.

The-Wolf, Yautja, 15 years ago

I thought it was Stan Winston's idea to throw that in there?

Champ, Yautja, 15 years ago

well for starters they only threw that skull in there as a gag, becos the Alien and Predator series were both owned by Fox Network and it actually became a big deal. eg. Comics, books, games, movies and legends.

superxinyang, Yautja, 15 years ago

they were used together in flims much later