original alien

concretehunter, Yautja, 16 years ago

if face huggers are always on humans and the alien takes certan looks, stengths, ect.. from the host what did the first aliens host and what would the alien look like it could be anything. what do you guys think?

The-Wolf, Yautja, 16 years ago

What are you talking about?

The Alien doesn't choose the characteristics from its host. (That would be very safisticated but unlikely) Thats nature's job.

K1LLA_4_H1RE, Yautja, 16 years ago

i think hes talking about what was the first species encounted by aliens to get face hugged.

_Zwecky_, Yautja, 16 years ago

He is talking about the alien's 'true' form, from what the first chestburster was born from. (i think)

The-Wolf, Yautja, 16 years ago

Which still doesn't make sense to me. All Aliens have one true design but obtain host contributes. So what I'm getting at is that there isn't a pure Alien in your case. Even if it was possible in what ever possible way a facehugger was to facehug an Alien it would come out exactly the same as that Alien because it would take its characteristics which its host got from its host.

I don't think theres a pure breed Alien in this case. To me a pure breed Alien is just a normal Alien that came from what ever host.

To farther empathize the original topic, what an Alien is a originally meant to be, would be whatever its future host is.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 16 years ago

If the aliens had been created, then the pure alien i guess would be the first perfected alien ever made. If the aliens evolved, then there is no pure alien of the kind you mean, because they have to had evolved from something that also impregnated hoasts, because such a stage of evolution doesn`t just come around, just like a type of shark evolved form another type of shark, it didn`t just appear all of a sudden, and as you can see, only sharks have continuously growing rows teeth, and so it has been for numerous stages of evolution. So what i`m saying is that the first xenomorph also came out of a hoast, it just came out being a little different from the ones before it, because of adaptation and evolution. So if you wanna find the pure xenomorph, you have to find the least evolved of the former generations that has most of the features a xenomorph has, except it was born in stead of impregnated, but still was the first generation to get the impregnating thing going. Just like the pure form of a human is the Homo Habilis or so. It`s still human, just not as evolved, and the ones before it were almost humans, but were still almost monkey too.

Like the Newborn, that was the pure form of a new species that could have evolved, good thing it didn`t get the chance to reproduce, just imagine how it would be to see those things walking on the walls in stead of the aliens...

daveberg, Yautja, 16 years ago

Well done lads, this has turned out to be a decent topic. Keep it up.

OTANG, Yautja, 16 years ago

It is believed the space jockeys were the creators of the Xenos, and like it has been already stated, they need hosts to start their life cycle. All Xenomorphs are hybrids in my opinion, no pure Xenos existed.

Saint, Yautja, 16 years ago

wouldn't the "pure" alien technically be the queen? All aliens come from her because she's the one who lays the eggs and all queens grow to look the same no matter the host.

The-Wolf, Yautja, 16 years ago

Yes indeed. The Queen Alien is the only pure breed we know of. I don't know why I haven't mentioned that already.

But wouldn't all Aliens be pure breeds even though they take in characteristics from their hosts? I mean there's no way to advoid it.

An Idea just came up, if some how (very unlikely but under certain circumstances) A Queen was impregnated with a facehugger would the result be another Queen? - keeping in mind that they take in the host characteristics.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 16 years ago

Not entirely true, sort of... how I know this is that there are at least three different Queen types. There are 'regular' Queens, Empresses, and Mothers. All are similar but have minor different characteristics.

The-Wolf, Yautja, 16 years ago

Thats interesting but...

How do you know and which one was in which movie?

Stalker, Yautja, 16 years ago

There is no concrete proof of there being more than one type of Queen, "Empresses" & other such things have only been referenced to in games, etc.

OTANG, Yautja, 16 years ago

Not to mention, that the Queen needs a host to achieve its life cycle. The whole species has an ever-changing anatomy dictated by its host's own physical features.

x_saysell, Yautja, 16 years ago

Surely the xeno species must be able to exist without a host to live off because, if they did not then they would not be so relentless in killing and harvesting all species around them, so this leads to the idea that for the species to out exist everything else they MUST have a system to create a pure breed.

Also i belive the queen to just be anouther "hybrid" as like the other aliens it must come from a host so therefore it must take some of the hosts qualities.

But for a pure breed to exist there will need to be a system of fertalization I.E King or the male xenos fertalize the "pure" eggs when they are layed by the queen. As this is the only way in which a "pure" blood line to be obtained.

Heres a thought (just a daft little idea) IF they where biologicaly created by the space jokeys MABY they were created from the DNA of the jokeys them selfs but the DNA was warped and altered to create a weapon. So MABY the jokey is the "Pure" breed.

P.S Please no one suggest the newborn off Alien Rez to be a pure breed as it was an abomanation, a freak of nature/science

DeathWraith, Yautja, 16 years ago

The newborn was a pure breed.

Anyway, if you alter a DNA than what you obtain is certainly not the same thing with what the original DNA would make. So in any case, the Space Jockeys are not the pure breed. Also, the hive serves the sole purpose of protecting the queen in the most probable case, and as the queen is very intelligent, she cares only for herself, because she knows that there is not much more she has to care for. She needs no King, because she controls the hive herself. She needs no more drones than the number of enemies that enter her territory. And that`s it. The aliens don`t need to reproduce in any other way, because their existence is bound to a queen and that is what they care about. They are not like humans or like the newborn. They only use their intelligence to protect the queen as good as they can, and they don`t need to be more than they are, but if they get the opportunity, they will become more. They don`t breathe, don`t eat that much, they don`t chat usually... (i`m missing my own point, so bla!)

The newborn is ugly, the newborn is a freak, the newborn is CANON!!!

Also, Bloo, put me in the clan already or i am going to kill Predess...

OTANG, Yautja, 16 years ago

2007-09-19 12:34:34
'Surely the xeno species must be able to exist without a host to live off because, if they did not then they would not be so relentless in killing and harvesting all species around them, so this leads to the idea that for the species to out exist everything else they MUST have a system to create a pure breed.'

From the movies and from some logic, they don't appear to kill indiscriminately. In 'Alien', the Xeno found itself isolated from its nest. Its 'instinct' was to kill any trespassers in its territory, it did not 'harvest' them because there was no nest to take hosts to. In 'Aliens', the colonists were not killed unless they were a danger to the hive, and taken to become hosts. In 'Aliens3' the Xeno was in the same scenario as in 'Alien'. In AvP, the exploration team wasn't killed because they were needed for hosts and taken to the hive. A lone Xeno kills to protect its perceived territory, if hosts are available to rejuvenate a hive, they are acquired. The hive is the most important thing to them. This all explains why they kill and why they harvest. Yes they can exist without a host, in pupae and larvae stage only.

x_saysell, Yautja, 16 years ago

It did atempt to harvest them as it tried to turn them into eggs for the super face huger

predatoress, Yautja, 16 years ago

You people make it sound like the dilemma of which one was first, the egg or the chicken lol

But as Otang said, even the queen needs a host to born as the queen.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 16 years ago

I`m actually trying to say that the egg was first.

The-Wolf, Yautja, 16 years ago

Thats an ancient unanswerable question.. What came first, "the chicken or the egg?" Thats like trying to explain how we got onto Earth.

EDIT: Predatoress, you took the words right out of my mouth. But Thats not me, Predatoress. I was explaining the brief science of an Alien. I wasn't saying what came first.