spacejocky v.s. predator

TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

I dont know if wether or not this would quallify but the spacejocky is in the alien univers.

I put a living spacejocky against predator.

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CuteFaceHugger, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

oh i was going to make this topic

a Predaotr would probley win

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TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

hhhmmmm I dont know the spacejocky is bigger and probly has more stringth. and yet predator has a instinked of a warrior and would probly out smart the spacejocky.

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Crow, Xenomorph, 17 years ago jockeys are stuck to chairs! I think that in itself says who I think would win :3


Stalker, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

we have not seen a living space jockey as of yet. So we cannot really predict what their movements are like, how fast they are, we really can't have alot of expectations for them just yet. One thing is for sure though, they are defenantly much bigger & most likely stronger than a predator. Although as shown at the end of predator 2 with the skulls in the trophy cabinet, size doesn't always matter when it comes to preds hunting their prey.


Blade_Hunter, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

From what I've heard of the Space Jockeys they seem to be a scientist race, so I think the term "gentle giant" would apply. So I'd say Predator would win.


TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

I allways thought they were gentle but why would they create a race soo deadly? and why would they be transporting the eggs around?

perhaps they were already at war with another race like the predators.

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Blade_Hunter, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

I guess that's part of the mystery that makes the Jockies so dang interesting.


TITANOSAUR, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

ahh another reason I posted this topic the mystery!

well I do think thats how the preds got the alien in the first place perhaps they were at war with the jockies and they desided to use there weapon against them? or they may have traded the alien eggs for something else I dont know.

anywho sence the spacejocky is so mysterius Im afraid theres not much to do for this topic.

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Aeo, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

Well there is still one question to be answered i realize that the space jockeys where carrying around the eggs which was brought up earlier in the forum but has anyone ever thought that maybe the space jockeys captured the creatures for protection maybe to train them. Or maybe they found them without realizing wat they really were.

kill_the_queen, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

The xenomorph's were created by the space jockeys as a weapon. they were at war with each other and well they made the perfect weapon that was to have a small lifespan but they evolved into a form that's life span was longer. the ship in alien was one that had survived and the egg's were to be studied but it all went wrong as we saw or didn't but you get the idea.


-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

...Like Stalker and Crow said, we don't really know what they are like except that they are always possibly stuck to their chairs, which might explain it getting huggedby a Facehugger) so easily, which I don't even know if it fought back or not.

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