give me all the facts about the super facehugger

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

can it impregnate more than two hosts?
can queens pruduce superfacehuggers?
can normal facehuggers create queens?

give me all!!!!

Stalker, Undefined, 18 years ago

It was still the superfacehugger, but it wasn't actually revealed to be the superfacehugger in the normal version, the superfacehugger is revealed in all it's glory in the special ed


Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago


Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

thanx stalker!!!
but I dont think the queenie in aliens laid the egg(s)... I think it was the company that plased it there for experimentation...second I ask you: in the normal verision of alien 3 the queen bearing facehugger was a compleatly normal one and the one that implanted the dog was another normal facehugger why did they switch to 1 superfacehugger in special edition?
thats why I ask if the normal ones coul produce queens?...

if thats the case there was two eggs...(in the standard VERISION of cource)...

Stalker, Undefined, 18 years ago

I think the queen can quickly lay one egg in an emergency without the need for an eggsac at the time as there was no way she could've created one on the sulaco in the short amount of time she was there. Also in answering ur other questions here u go:

first of all, the superfacehugger dies after the second impregnation is complete to my knowledge, the first impregnation will become a queen, the second will become an adult alien created to guard the queen until she has birthed & begun to lay more eggs.

second, it is usually aliens which are not in the prescence of a queen which produce a single superfacehugger egg which then births the superfacehugger, but since the queen layed a superfacehugger egg on the sulaco, then I'm assuming they can produce one in an emergency, but this one probably wouldn't become a queen unless the queen which produced it died.

third, normal facehuggers cannot create queens, if the facehugger was not in the prescence of any adults or a queen, then it would still become an adult, then produce the superfacehugger egg


daveberg, Undefined, 18 years ago

The queen in aliens was the bearer of a superfacehugger - she lid the egg onboard the sulaco.

darkness of acheron

kill_the_queen, Undefined, 18 years ago

god i am lost now lol and yes it is

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Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

thanx but on the second question I mean that the superfacehugger is created by the drones not the queen but if the queen also could produce your answear still yes?

and on the 3th question: in alien 3 (non special edition) the facehuggers we see is copmleatly normal ones (that also means there had to be two of them). so how could a queen be created??

and in the special edition there was only one facehugger...a superfacehugger...why?

kill_the_queen, Undefined, 18 years ago

q1 no
q2 yes
q3 no thats only in the game avpe

there does that answer them

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Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

right...whithout the eggsac? and how did she get into the same room as the cryo capsules...

Id say it was the wayland.corp that had captured the egg and placed it there whith purpose...

but please explaine my dilema.