Queen Alien INFO

celtic102, Yautja, 18 years ago

Q u e e n

Height: about 3 meters
Weight: unknown
Head: The head is quite different from the ordinary 'Grey' or 'Hive'. The corona is bigger and flatter and more 'spread out', with 'spikes' on each side. The mouth can be pulled in under the corona when the Queen is asleep. The mouth is connected to the corona with ligaments.
Body: The body is huge, much bigger than any other kind of xenomorph. The Queen has an extension of her body - an egg sack, where the eggs are produced. The Queen has made herself a 'throne' to hold her huge body up. It is made of the same material as the hive.
Legs: The Queen has several more arms than other xenomorphs. She has about 6 arms. The smallest pair is held closely to her body. What the Queen uses these extra arms to is unknown. The Queen walks on her back legs, but her body is angled forwards, suggesting that the Queen sometimes might use her front limbs for locomotion.
Tail: The Tail is long and powerful. It too has a scorpio like stinger on it's tip. The tail is used in battle. I guess that mostly these battles are with other Queens. They might fight for territory or a hive.
Color: The Queen's color is dark and bluish.

Social Structures The Queen is the head of a hive and the only reproducing individ. She controls her servants with pheromons and sounds.
Communication: The Queen communicates with the other members of the hive with hissing sounds, ranging from a deep, barely audible, to wild, raging screams.
Age: The Queen is probably the oldest of the hive. Her age is unknown.
Hunting Pattern: The Queen don't hunt, but if she is provoked, she might pursue the provoker.
Defense: The Queen relies on the protection her servants and children gives her. But if she engages in fighting, she uses the tail and her front main arms and an incredible strength.
Intelligence: The Queen seems very intelligent and curious, something that indicates high intelligence. She manages to figure out what an elevator is and how to use it!

My Horror Site

Crpl_Hicks, Yautja, 18 years ago

Cool, and the sig rules(again). May the schwartz be with us all....

Fear. Fear is the mind killer. I will let my fear go over me and when I do only I will remain. Fear is the mind killer.

Unknown, Yautja, 18 years ago

ok dude but........... uh ........that head thing is here permenet crown!

celtick warriors are cool

Unknown, Yautja, 18 years ago

Lol thats a funny movie, and great info on the queen!

Those who look upon me shall fall by my blade.

Lu Bu- Makes no difference I shall win now....DIE!